Scaning & O.C.R.:

We undertake scanning of document and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) task at a very low cost compared to on-shore cost. We also perform OCR cleanup (Identifying any thing the computer mis-read after OCR job). Any scanning and documentation need may be satisfied.
Benifit of Scanning service
A) Timely document retrieval
a) There is a lot of difficulty in retrieval of document in traditional method because it increases the access time of the document and a document not in hand at the time of need, it is of no use.
b) Computerised access of document increases the efficiency and reduced the access time

B) Easy Multiple location Access:
With the increase of competition customer support and service companies are often needed to have access to information and data instantly and it leads to Multi Location Access of information.

This can be from
Regional Office
Employee working onsite locations
Responsible officer Working from home at any time of the day
Access of data at Project Offices
Regional Customers.

This need may be for any reason but they all come down to one thing the requirement of quick and easy access of electronic document.

C) Minimum requirement of space that are required for maintenance of paper document.
D) Reduction of Document retrival cost.


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& O.C.R.
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