In a nutshell,
the web is a whole bunch on interconnected computers talking
to each other. The computers (on the Internet) are typically
connected by phone lines, digital satellite signals, cable
and other types of data-transfer mechanisms. A 'data-transfer
mechanism' is a nerd's way of saying: a way to move information
from point 1 to point 2 to point 3 and so on.
The computers that make up the web can be connected all the
time (24 hours in a day and 7days in a week), and they can
be connected only periodically. The computers that are connected
all the time are typically what is called a server. Servers
are computers just like the one you use. The major difference;
they have a special software installed called 'server' software.
Server software
is created to 'serve' web pages and web sites. Basically the
server computer has a bunch of web sites loaded on it and
it just waits for people (web browsers) to request or ask
for a particular page. When the browser requests a page the
server sends it out.
The web surfer find a web site by typing in the URL, or in
other words, the web site address. There are other ways to
find web sites (like search engines) but behind the scenes
web sites are all being found by going to the web sites official
address. That brings us our last nerd detail; how does a web
site get an official address so that the rest of the Web can
find it!
Now to have your own web site you must
A) Register a domain name so that you can get a unique
address to be available to the rest of the world.
B) Rent some server space.